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A reflection of 2014

What a year it has been! I know many can say that, but It has been a crazy year for me and my family.

It started last year with having to move 9 years of things, 2 dogs, 2 cats, and five humans. It was a hard move to make, but we knew it had to be done. There was no choice. Our life felt like it was spinning out of control and our emotions showed this. My children fought left and right, my darling husband sunk deeper into depression and I hit my knees praying. "God! Where do we go from here?"

In January, the hubby and I had a needed heart to heart about us- as a couple and as individuals. From that point on, we could see the light. God was going to pull us out of this hole.

Around March or April, while driving back and forth to a neighboring town to take two of our children to dance class, I was inspired with a story. i could see it play out in my mind like a movie. I was drawn in and I have no clue how I drove 20min. watching this "movie" unfold and not get in an accedent. Every week until Mother's day weekend I made that trip this "movie" played in my mind.

Well, In June or July, I meet up with an old high school friend whom I had not seen in eight or ten years. She is an aspiring writer as well and had been working on it for a while. I told her what I had been dreaming and seeing for months now and she said," Missy, you should try writing it. It sounds really good." So I went home and told my hubby about it and he agreed.

Once the writing process started, there was no stopping me.

When done though, I had no clue where to turn next. I know I needed someone to edit it- my punctuation is bad. I prayed about it, asked for test readers and a cousin I barely know- she is like my 3rd cousin- offers to edit it and informs me she has done it many times. Talk about a blessing.

Then came the cover- I found a photo on Pintrest, Oh the beloved Pintrest, and a light went off in my brain that this was to be my cover. After prayer and back'n forth about what to do, I asked another friend who was doing our family photos if she could do the same. After a lot of work and playing with lighting, we had cover art.

Next came graphics. Yup, you guessed it. God opened another door and reminded me that I had an aunt who had a graphic design degree. She has done a beautiful job for both the ebook cover and the print book cover.

From start to finish, it took me from August through November to complete "What God Brings Together". On December 4th it went live on Kindle and Nook.

The other day, I was reading through the story again, formatting it for print, and fell in love with the story all over again. I realized though that it was an over-dramatization of my and my husband's life the last four years. We where ripped apart by events in our lives, but we knew always that God had brought us together of a reason and there was NO WAY we were going to take it apart. Even when we didn't like eachother and we knew with out saying that we were together ONLY for the sake of our kids. We were going to soldier on and fight this thing that was trying to bring us down.

They say, "Those who fight passionately love passionately" well that is so true. If you fight through the tough times with your spouse, it draws you closer together and you begin to love more deeply. We didn't love eachother the way we do now in the beginning and that is how it should be.

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