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My greatest lesson in 2014

2014 held many lessons for me. Some of them hurt- like when I realized that my boys no longer needed me to hover over them. Some of them I am still working through- like being patient with myself and others. But my greatest lesson was "You Can Really Do This!"

How many time are we told as kids that " You can do what ever we set our minds to" or "You can achieve your dreams"? I think once we leave the doors of our high school, we are hit in the face with the reality of this world and all the dreams we had in those walls, disappear from our minds. Then we think we have to be something else and do something more practical or more finacially sound. We go off to college with a new direction or we forget the dream of college and go right to work. Some, like me, never dream big and find contentment in the simple things like going and getting married.

I never allowed my self to think BIG for my life. I am still happy and content and have peace in my life now. But I never have allowed anything bigger than being a wife and mother to be a dream. I am just to "practical". I knew I was blessed more than some and who was I to ask for more. So I didn't expect more of my self than what I knew I could do.

When I was in bridal, I began to develope a dream to own my own bridal salon. A swanky, glamorous establishment that would be fun and inviting for women to come and find the gowns of their dreams. Well that fizzled out when life took over. There are days I still long to go back into the industry, especially after today when I went with a friend to find her wedding gown- and yes, she did SAY "YES" TO THE DRESS!

In June or July when the same friend encouraged me to venture out into this world of writing, my first thoughts were "I can't". I wouldn't allow my self to even think about it because the last dream I had to be put on the back burner. Once I started though, it became easier to dream it. When said friened read my first twelve chapters and said how much she enjoyed it, I could feel the hope grow more. When my test readers read it and all raved over it, I began to let my self think, "I really can do this thing." It was an eye opener for me.

One night in a fit of discouragement, I began to pray. I asked God, "Why let me dream this? I don't think I can." A peace began to come over me and I heard,"So you can see what you are truly made of. I made you for more than just wife and mother. I made you out of stronger, more sterner stuff than that. Now use the gifts you have been given and leave the rest to me." I told God, "Okay" and let it be.

Now, my ebook is not flying off the shelf and I am on hold to put my book into print because it isn't cheap to do so. I am discouraged most days about this, but God keeps reminding me that He gave me this talent and I just need to use it. He will do the rest. It is a daily reminder and it gets me out of the funk I am in.

So, DREAMER, you were made with gifts and talents. Use them. God will handle the rest.

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