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Leaving a Review

I never tried to tell a reviewer what kind of review to leave, but I do have a few pointers or thoughts on the topic. Being just as avid of a reader as I am a writer, I have noticed is some things that will force a potential new reader to avoid the book altogether.

Here are a few thoughts

1) Don't leave a review that critiques. Sometimes they are extremely long or leave very little mystery to the content of the book. If you happen to come across a book that has some editing issues, contact the author personally, but don't put it in the review.

2)Don't leave spoilers. I hated to read about what happened in the book before I even bought the book. What is the use in buying a book when I know all the highlights? So consider your words carefully.

3) If you know the author well, do not use their "nicknames" (My family and friends call me Missy). It ruins all credibility of your review. Also, Amazon will not post your review if you make it too personal. They won't do it right away, but they will eventually.

4 Tell future readers what you liked about the story. My favorite reviews are the ones that the reader comments on how much they connected with a scene in the book, or how it ministered to them in some way. Tell future readers why they have to read this book.

5 Do not question the writer's character as a human being. If you hate it that much, don't review it. Some reviewers get straight up mean in their opinions and some even attack the integrity of the writer.

These are just a few things I have noticed over the years and I hear my fellow writers make comment on. We writers want to know your thoughts on our work and if you find an issue, we want to know. I hope this helps. Thank you all again for being willing to help me really get a good launch on this writing career.

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